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19-10-03 返回列表

  例1如果有人在公共场所公然乱扔废物,会怎样呢?索妮娅说会引起公愤,招来 谴责。人们会用奇怪的目光看着你,仿佛你是个天外来客,而且会有人默默地替你拾 起。如果置身于那场景,谁能不感到尴尬呢?(《只留下脚印》)What would happen if someone were to dispose litter in a public place? uIt would stir public anger and denouncement, Sonia said,“ People would look at you strangely as if you were an alien from outer space. At the same time, someone would quietly pick it up for you. ’’ Who wouldn’t be embarrassed by such a scene?


  例2瞿塘峡位于三峡西段,以雄伟壮观著称,长江奔流至此,窄处不足百米,江 流如万马奔腾,惊险壮丽,有“夔门天下雄”之称。巫峡谷深峡长,巫山十二峰风姿 秀丽,其中神女峰最为妩媚动人。西陵峡是长江三峡中最长、最险的一段,滩多水急是 其特色。(《湖北概况》)i? The Qutang Gorge, the western stretch of the Three Gorges, is best known for its power and magnificence. At its narrowest point which is less than 100 meters wide, the river rushes and roars forward like thousands of horses forcing their way through a gate, giving this spot the name of w The Most Imposing Gate in the World. ”
  The Wu Gorge, which stretches out along a deep valley, is charming and exquisite. Twelve Peaks line the banks of this Gorge, all endowed with great beauty, but the Goddess Peak is the most enchanting. The Xiling Gorge is the longest and most perilous stretch, char?acterized by its many shoals and turbulent water.


  例3新的一年,金融圈出现不少令人跌破眼镜的高层主管大搬风。有人高层变低 层,也有人从大廊到小廊,楚材晋用更是普遍。基金公司总经理跨行当副总经理,银行 老板换跑道当起证券公司总经理,完全打破了旧有市场定律。完全竞争,而且是跨业竞 争,高级经理人以往一辈子待在专业领域,循序升迁的秩序被打乱,职场生涯随时可能 一百八十度转变。(林美姿《金融界人才挤压》)1$ SC. For the senior management in the financial community, the new year of ten brings surprises and uncertainties. Drastic personnel changes regularly occur including demotion to lower positions or smaller-sized companies, or more commonly, moving to some other field. Traditional conventions have been completely broken down when a general manager in a fund company takes the position of vice president in a bank, or a bank president becomes a director of a security. Senior managers used to be able to enjoy a lifelong career that would procedural- ly lead them to a series of promotions. But, with the profound and cutthroat competition that is happening across management fields, managers are now thrown into an uncertain situation where sudden changes may force them to make a 180-degree turn in their career path.






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我当初是自己翻译的,找366 翻译社盖章(不盖章不承认),这样最便宜,我是技术移民,银子不多,想的这个办法,后来眼睛都快瞎了,你要是银子多,就丢给他,你要是省钱,就学我。做移民文件翻译,就来吧,我手里还有个他们单位的袋子。


我之前找366 翻译社做过,现在手里还有个翻译文件袋,是正规的翻译机构,公证处认可的翻译机构,速度也快,我坐在那等了一会儿就好了,价格一般,谈不上多便宜.

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