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新型冠状病毒核酸检测翻译_英文版_新冠肺炎核酸检测报告翻译_2019-nCoV RNA核算定性筛查报告翻译英文,即:核酸检测报告翻译,2小时交付,200元
Zhumadian TCM Hospital Inspection Report Sample No. : 266
Name: panda Case number: 00000000 Specimen type: Pharyngeal swab Application time: 08:33 Oct. 18, 2020
Gender: Male Department: 167 Patient type: Outpatient service Inspection time: 09:26 Oct. 18, 2020
Age: 38 years old Bed No. : Clinical diagnosis Remark:
Sequence Item code Item name Results Reference range Unit Inspection method
1. 2019 - nCoV RNA Coronavirus nucleic acid testing Negative Negative Fluorescent PCR method
Detecting target: 2019 - nCov ORFlab gene and N gene. Testing instrument: ABI7500
Explanation and Suggestions:
1. Positive: two targets are detected at the same time.
2. Negative: coronavirus nucleic acid is not detected in the inspection sample.
3. Suspicion: only a target is positive, or the results are below the detection threshold but there is amplification reaction, and it has been reviewed.
4. The result is only 2019 - nCoV nucleic acids qualitative screening; Screening positive results, please contact the local centers for disease control and prevention.
Application doctor: Yao Juanxian Inspection date: Oct. 18, 2020 Report time: 14:33 Oct. 18, 2020 Tester: dog Checker: panda
Note: this report is only responsible for the samples! If you have questions, please contact us within 24 hours. Telephone: 0396-8220360
Coronavirus nucleic acid testing special seal of Zhumadian TCM Hospital (Sealed)
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