电 话:010-6275 8839
手 机:139-1123-0511
邮 箱:einkedu@qq.com
地 址:北京海淀北京大学资源办公楼1618室
新型冠状病毒核酸检测翻译_英文版_新冠肺炎核酸检测报告翻译_2019-nCoV RNA核算定性筛查报告翻译英文,即:核酸检测报告翻译,2小时交付,200元
Zhumadian TCM Hospital Inspection Report Sample No. : 266
Name: panda Case number: 00000000 Specimen type: Pharyngeal swab Application time: 08:33 Oct. 18, 2020
Gender: Male Department: 167 Patient type: Outpatient service Inspection time: 09:26 Oct. 18, 2020
Age: 38 years old Bed No. : Clinical diagnosis Remark:
Sequence Item code Item name Results Reference range Unit Inspection method
1. 2019 - nCoV RNA Coronavirus nucleic acid testing Negative Negative Fluorescent PCR method
Detecting target: 2019 - nCov ORFlab gene and N gene. Testing instrument: ABI7500
Explanation and Suggestions:
1. Positive: two targets are detected at the same time.
2. Negative: coronavirus nucleic acid is not detected in the inspection sample.
3. Suspicion: only a target is positive, or the results are below the detection threshold but there is amplification reaction, and it has been reviewed.
4. The result is only 2019 - nCoV nucleic acids qualitative screening; Screening positive results, please contact the local centers for disease control and prevention.
Application doctor: Yao Juanxian Inspection date: Oct. 18, 2020 Report time: 14:33 Oct. 18, 2020 Tester: dog Checker: panda
Note: this report is only responsible for the samples! If you have questions, please contact us within 24 hours. Telephone: 0396-8220360
Coronavirus nucleic acid testing special seal of Zhumadian TCM Hospital (Sealed)
新西兰移民局:“为防止您的短期签证申请延误,签证申请人的关键支持文件应提供认证过的英文翻译(certified translations)”,新西兰移民局(INZ)不为签证申请人提供翻译。移民局接受以下机构或个人提供的翻译件:
* 来自新西兰内政部提供的翻译服务,或
* 来自社区内声誉良好的能够提供准确文件翻译的人士,或
* 来自使领馆或高级外交使团(需加盖相关机构印章),或
* 任何其他私人或官方翻译机构
通知说,申请人、他们的家庭成员和帮助签证申请的持牌移民中介不应翻译文件。临时签证申请人还需向新西兰移民局提供所有健康文件和警方证明的英文翻译。移民局表示,“我们目前正在考虑对所有支持信息强制执行英文翻译。 一旦我们做出决定,我们将公布更多相关信息。”移民局称对此有任何疑问,可以和移民局联络中心取得联系。
0508 558 855 — 新西兰境内固定电话免费号码
139 1123 0511 --- 北京有certified translation 翻译资质的翻译社。
海淀桥那就有一家,366 翻译社,海淀翻译公司,很好找,我当初就因为他的名字记住了,哈哈,可能是365天加一天的意思,我一下就记住了